How to make a delicious apple cider vinegar drink (called a switchel) with all the potential health benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar water daily!

a jar filled with apple cider vinegar drink recipe with lemons, sliced ginger and mineral salt.

If you’ve been here a while, you’ll already know I’m a huge fan of apple cider vinegar water. When I first started the blog, way back in 2011, I was drinking apple cider water every morning and did not get sick for five years. Five years!  Not a sniffle.

I stopped drinking it regularly about a year ago- then started to get colds again. So I’ve started up again, only this time, I’m sharing my my recipe, along with all the potential health benefits. It turns out, there is a name for this – it’s called a Switchel!

What is a Switchel?

A friend informed me, that my Apple Cider Vinegar Water goes way way back, originating in New England where it became a popular drink in the late 17th century – where it was used to revive tired and thirsty farmers at harvest time, also called “Haymaker’s Punch”.    It was basically sweetened apple cider vinegar water. 

Potential health Benefits of Apple cider vinegar

There is a lot of confusion about apple cider vinegar. As always, talk to your doctor about it, especially if you are on medications. To help clear things up, it turns out there is a lot of research out there on all the good things apple cider does for the body.

  1. Apple cider vinegar for weight loss: According to this recent research, the acetic acid in drinking just 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (30 ml) in water daily will help lower body weight.
  2. Lowers Cholesterol levels: In the same study and also this meta-analysis, drinking apple cider also significantly lowered triglycerides and total cholesterol.
  3. Lowers Blood Pressure: in this Japanese study, acetic acid in apple cider vinegar lowers blood sugar.
  4. Anti-Cancer Properties: This research shows that apple cider vinegar may have anti-tumor compounds.
  5. Supports gut health: because raw apple cider contains the mother in it, it is full of gut-supporting probiotics to help diversify the microbiome.
  6. Lowers Glucose Levels: Apple cider vinegar lowers fasting glucose and HVA1C. After wearing a glucose monitor ( just for fun), I’ve noticed that when I consume this apple cider vinegar drink before meals, my blood sugar levels stay more level.
  7. Improves insulin sensitivity. In this Nature study, taking apple cider vinegar helps with insulin resistance. In this Science Direct article, it’s shown to moderate blood glucose levels and lower inulin, supporting those with diabetes.
  8. Powerful antimicrobial properties. In this Nature article, apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a natural, anti-bacterial that has been shown to ameliorate resistant bacteria.
  9. Contains Antifungal properties: In this Medical News Today article, consuming apple cider vinegar may help reduce yeast and fungus.

But here’s why I’m such a huge fan of Switchel!

  • Curbs my hunger: One thing that I’ve been trying to do lately is not snack between meals. This switchel has been a godsend. I reach for this drink lately instead of the snacky stuff. It makes me feel less hungry, moderates my appetite, and have less cravings.
  • Maintain my Weight: it helps maintain my weight, and, friends, I eat a TON of food. I am consistently 2-3 pounds lighter while drinking this regularly.
  • Keeps my gut healthy and regular: Drinking this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, gets my digestion going and sets me up for a fantastic day. Enough said.
  • Supports my immunity:  Like I mentioned earlier, when I drink this regularly, I don’t get colds or the flu. I believe it helps support diversity in the gut which is key to a good immune system. Perhaps it is the placebo effect. Who knows, but it works.

Ingredients in Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

  • Unfiltered Apple cider vinegar (with the mother in it) Use vinegar that is not filtered or heated (pasteurized), so the healthy living bacteria are preserved and kept alive to do their healing!
  • Filtered Water or Mineral water
  • Pinch of Himalayan salt (for added minerals!)
  • Optional additions: a squeeze of lemon juice, ginger ( fresh ginger or ground), cinnamon, cayenne pepper, turmeric, sweetener: molasses (contains potassium!), maple syrup, stevia, coconut sugar, or honey.
a jar filled with apple cider vinegar drink recipe with lemons, sliced ginger and mineral salt.

How to make an Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

  1. Place the water, apple cider vinegar, sea salt, and sweetener in a large 16-ounce glass or jar.
  2. Add any optional additions: ginger, lemon juice, turmeric powder or cinnamon.
  3. Give a good stir ( or place the lid on the jar, and shake) and enjoy!

Storage Suggestions

Make a big batch of Apple Cider Vinegar Drink and store it in a pitcher or mason jar, in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

a jar filled with apple cider vinegar drink recipe with lemons, sliced ginger and mineral salt. A delicious recipe for an Apple Cider Vinegar Drink (also called a Switchel) plus 10 advantages of drinking this gut-healing, probiotic drink on a daily basis! 

Are there any risks of drinking apple cider vinegar?

Yes, of course, only if you drink it straight! Apple cider vinegar is very acidic, so it’s important to dilute it before drinking it. Dilute it with water, mineral water, or juice, or just toss it into a salad! Undiluted it can cause:

  • erosion of tooth enamel
  • damage to the lining of the esophagus
  • upset stomach


What is the “mother” in Apple Cider Vinegar?

A: The “mother” in Apple Cider Vinegar refers to the colony of healthy bacteria that are responsible for the fermentation process. It is similar to the SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) used in making Kombucha. Apple Cider Vinegar “with the mother” is vinegar that is not filtered or pasteurized, thus preserving the beneficial bacteria that provide its healing properties.

Will ACV hurt my teeth, or tooth enamel?

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid- so always dilute it with water, and rinse your mouth with water, after consuming it in large amounts.

Can I drink Apple Cider Vinegar every day?

Yes, this drink is safe to drink on a daily basis, so limit your consumption to 2 tablespoons daily.

What time of day is apple cider vinegar most effective?

  • Enjoy the Apple Cider Vinegar Drink in the morning to aid the liver in cleansing or as a natural, gentle laxative.
  • Drink in the afternoon for an energizing pick-me-up between meals, or to curb hunger.
  • Drink before or after dinner to help regulate glucose levels and boost digestion.
  • You can drink the 16-ounce glass in one shot or divide it throughout the day.

I’m curious to hear what you think about this Apple Cider Vinegar Drink…. please let me know in the comments below! It’s actually the most helpful if you actually try it first and experience the effects personally before judging. 🙂

And as a final thought, not everything needs to be “evidence-based” to be true. Take for example, love. There are old remedies that have been passed down for generations (think Ayurveda or Chinese medicine), and perhaps science doesn’t understand the whys yet, or perhaps there’s no money in it. It doesn’t make it “not true”.

Please don’t take anyone’s word for it…not even mine. Try it for yourself… drink it for a week, and see how it feels. You know your body better than anyone.

Have a fun and happy weekend!!!



More apple cider vinegar recipes

Here are som other uses for apple cider vinegar- add to salad dressings, marinades, sauces and use for pickling!

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How to make a switchel- a healthy, energizing, probiotic drink made with apple cider vinegar (with the "mother" in it), lemon, ginger, honey or maple syrup- that builds healthy bacteria in the gut, lowers cholesterol, helps sheds weight, boosts immunity, aids with digestion and regularity and increases energy and vitality!  #switchel #switzel #probiotics #guthealth #healthydrinks #healthygut #healthybacteria #detox #cleaneating #eatclean #applecidervinegar #drink #water #ginger

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipe

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How to make an Apple Cider Vinegar Drink (called a Switchel) plus the potential health Benefits of drinking Apple Cider Vinegar on a daily basis.


Units Scale
  • 1216 ounces filtered water
  • 12 tablespoons apple cider vinegar ( “with the mother in it”) start light, add more to taste
  • pinch of Himalayan salt ( for added minerals)

Optional additions:

  • 12 teaspoons sweetener: honey, maple syrup, stevia, coconut sugar, etc.
  • squeeze of lemon or other citrus
  • 1 tablespoon fresh grated ginger, sliced ginger or 1/21 teaspoon ground ginger
  • Pinch of cinnamon, turmeric, or cayenne pepper


  1. Place the water, apple cider vinegar, sea salt, and sweetener in a large 16-ounce glass and stir. Add any optional additions. If just starting out, start with one tablespoon vinegar, and perhaps more sweetener, adjusting to taste. As you get used to it, feel free to increase the vinegar and lower the sweetener to taste.
  2. Enjoy this first thing in the morning to aid the liver in cleansing, or in the afternoon for an energizing pick-me-up, or before dinner to regulate insulin, lower blood sugar, and boost digestion.


This can be kept in the fridge for 1 week.

Feel free to make a big batch and store in a pitcher or mason jar, either in the fridge or at room temp (if drinking throughout the day).

Sweetener is optional: Over time as you become accustomed to the vinegar taste, you may naturally want to lower the sweetener or omit completely.  ***Most mornings I drink filtered water with just a splash of the apple cider vinegar. No sweetener, no lemon, no ginger.  Simple and easy. But I know this may not be pleasant for most. This recipe was intended to get you accustomed to the taste. Feel free to adjust from here.

Ideally, you want to consume 2 tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar daily for 12 weeks to see results with weight loss and body fat.  Remember you can always add to salad dressings, too. 🙂 Try our Raw Apple Cider Dressing


  • Serving Size: 16 ounces w/ 1 teaspoon honey
  • Calories: 28
  • Sugar: 5.9 g
  • Sodium: 98.5 mg
  • Fat: 0 g
  • Saturated Fat: 0 g
  • Carbohydrates: 6 g
  • Fiber: 0 g
  • Protein: 0 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg

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  1. I love this drink. It is so refreshing. To boost the nutritional value, I add fresh turmeric root, black peppercorns and cinnamon sticks to the ginger steep!

  2. Have been drinking this for some years now. sometimes twice a day because it helps me drink water. I make 16 oz at a time. However, the way I do it may not be the best. I put in more than a dash of Himalayan salt in it. I start drinking and seriously cannot stop. My body just says…more…more…don’t stop!!! yet, I struggle to swallow water….go figure.

  3. I have lost my 50 year old recipe for switched , but do remember that it had blackstrap molasses and there was rolled oats in it that sank to the bottom of the crock. My husband loved to eat the oatmeal when the swichel was gone.

  4. I didn’t rate the recipe because I already know i don’t like acv in water. And I could only drink half of this. But, I will try the vinaigrette recipe or just adding it to more things. I put it in my coleslaw recipe and really like that. Not sure if it could go in something hot like soup after cooking, without destroying the benefits.

    1. Yes, it’s great in coleslaw isn’t it? If adding to soup, just add a few drops to your serving bowl, not to the simmering soup.

  5. You really should use Molasses instead of any other sweetener. It adds potassium which helps the body to hydrate, replace lost electrolytes.

    1. Great tip Deann- thanks! I usually don’t add any sweetener these days, but great for newbies!

  6. Once I’ve reached the 12 week mark of drinking Switchle, do I continue or wait a few months before doing another 12 weeks? Not sure what to do once I’ve reached 12 weeks. Thanks!

    1. Hi Wanda- there is no set protocol here- assess how your body feels and continue if you notice positive effects?

  7. This is delicious and I didn’t use any sweetener. Even my husband liked it and he generally will not drink anything with ACV. Thank you!

  8. Thanks for posting this up .This is a very informative article surely. I hope that you guys will put up more informative articles in future.

  9. What a great way to ring in the New Year. We celebrate by making.your Apple Cider recipe. Actually my husband and I have always taken a tbls. Raw daily, yours is the Best 👌
    Thank you, 🍻 HAPPY NEW YEAR Sylvia and Team. Lilian Bethel, Vancouver, Canada.

  10. I used to drink Switchell as a boy in New England while haying. A wonderful drink on hot, dusty days. I remember the ladies coming out with it in buckets with oatmeal in it to give it some body.

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